- KineticistLVL not incrementing with elementCODE-3546
- Skills Tab/Left Window Grays Out All Rank Fields Except The One That Is SelectedCODE-3545
- Skills Tab/Right Window Does Not Display All SkillsCODE-3544
- Preferences | Output Does Not Remember Default Output SheetsCODE-3543
- 6.09.07 PF1 Boxes In Skills Tab Grayed OutCODE-3542
- BUG 6.09.07 Export Button Does Not WorkCODE-3541
- User Interface: Small Nit-Pick With Display Of "Archetypes" 6.09.07CODE-3540
- [BUG] Some Tools|Preferences|Location Directory Browse Buttons Do Not WorkCODE-3539
- FREQ: Integrated Data UpdaterCODE-3538
- F10/"Log & Memory" Use Pop Up Blank WindowCODE-3537
- Export Button Does Not WorkCODE-3536
- Re-choosing race resets class profficienciesCODE-3535
- Even with house rule to ignore encumbrance, exported character sheet displays encumbrance higher than LightCODE-3534
- Load house rules are ignoredCODE-3533
- Load house rules are ignoredCODE-3532Resolved issue: CODE-3532
- Expand "Recently Used" list of characters to a dozen or moreCODE-3531
- A character with Rogue Talent created with 6.06 isn't accepted by 6.08CODE-3530
- Can't select alignment [3.5 bahamut]CODE-3528
- Spell section doesn't resize equally when resixing the lower panesCODE-3527Resolved issue: CODE-3527Paul Grosse
- Typo in cancel dialog button, there's a _ before Cancel in every dialog that has that cancel button.CODE-3526
- PREFACT on a PREMULT is outputting a PreFact.toHtml not defined messageCODE-3524Bryan McRoberts
- The -c command line option is broken, at least on LinuxCODE-3523Resolved issue: CODE-3523Lichtblitz
- Rogue talent combat trick is deniedCODE-3522
- Display issue on MacOS MonteryCODE-3521
- both Preferences nor File Open are broken if previous preferences Source folder tree is renamed/removedCODE-3520
- "All usable skills" display brokenCODE-3519
- Skill tab "Ranks" spinner does not show number unless activeCODE-3518
- Blood Line and Blood Line Arcane broke with version 6.08.00RC8 still broke with version 6.09.05CODE-3517
- Tactician Battle Medic spell list issueCODE-3529
- PRECAMPAIGN tag does not work on PCC *lines* in a PCC file.CODE-3515
- Inspired strike Deed attack bonus is automatically added to the weapons attackCODE-3514
- Issue with speaking familiarsCODE-3516
- Temporary Bonuses Ability Damaged not applying penalties.CODE-3513
- temporary bonuses added more than once can not be removedCODE-3512
- the "Temporary Bonuses" tab does not include any mythic spell effectsCODE-3511
- Skills not showing up correctlyCODE-3510
- Problems with Skills page on ArchLinuxCODE-3509
- linux package 06.09.05 not displaying open dialogue.CODE-3508
- The option to view the log no longer works in 6.09.05CODE-3507Eitan Adler
- F10, menu, nor LRH button bringing up logging screenCODE-3506Eitan Adler
- Java Error when refreshing character sheetCODE-3504
- GMGen not allowing custom selected encountersCODE-3505
- Pathfinder 1e: Inquisition Conversion changes Skill abilityCODE-3503
- Cannot launch PCGen 6.09.02 on ArchLinuxCODE-3502Resolved issue: CODE-3502Tim
- GUI shouldn't allow double-quotes in Character name, or if it does, should generate a filename without them upon save.CODE-3501Alan Shutko
- 35e Inventory items does not grant benefits when placed inside a container in the inventory.CODE-3500
- Level 13 rogue (pathfinder) won't let me put skill ranks past 10.CODE-3499
- Option to Disable TraitsCODE-3498Resolved issue: CODE-3498
- log window pane is not resizeable, nor openable from menuCODE-3496Eitan Adler
- 'always overwrite' preference is being ignored.CODE-3495
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